8 de septiembre de 2024


August. Intensity of the Sun's heat in August and changes in consciousness. We're following a calendar that has nothing to do with the original. We should be following a 13 month calendar like the Mayan and not the Romans who changed it twice. Months named after people July - Julius Caeser, August his nephew Augustus. Should be named Soular has to do with the Soul, energy, heat seeds of consciousness. Soular energy causes how people respond to one another. Global warming crisis. History and purpose of Black Intensity of the son is not going to get the climate less hot so melanin becomes important. Colonizers taught black people to hate their skin color and that it is a curse and that light or white skin or melanin recessive is great but with the sun's intensity it's not going to be the case anymore. Having melanin is an advantage and now we can value and love our skin color thereby building a different society. Pineal Gland. As we search for a collective identity what connects us sometimes is our skin color which have been politicized. Racism in Latin America and in sports (soccer) and fear of black skin people and then go and tan, it's a psychological problem. Importance of pigment without it there is no life. Melanin in the brain, its enhancements specially in sports. Ghana, West Coast of Africa and the slave camp and the process. Punishment Rock changed to Resistance Rock because those Africans were resisting the captured. Kemet (Egypt) and what the Africans built not the melanin recessive European and how they hide this. Marcus Garvey, Pan Africanist and what he did. Climate change and man manipulating the climate. Sahara Wind. Deforestation of the Amazon. Movie Sankofa. List of books suggested by Dr. Moore.

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